Paul's Powerful Testimony
Nov 10, 2024 • Shad Baker
When was the last time you shared your story of meeting Jesus? If you were to tell your story now, who would you tell—friend, family, or even an enemy? And what would you say? In this message, "Paul’s Powerful Testimony", we’ll walk through Acts 22 and see how Paul courageously shared his conversion story before a hostile audience. How did Paul tell his story? 1. He built a bridge. 2. He described his life before Christ. 3. He explained how he met Jesus. 4. He showed how the love of Jesus changed his life. Learn more at
#PaulConversion #FaithJourney #TransformedByChrist #BuildingBridges #Evangelism #BiblicalPreaching #ActsSermon #Testimony #SaulToPaul #SharingYourStory