Friendship That Sacrifices
Friendship That Sacrifices (1 Samuel 18:1-4; Philippians 2:5-8) | CEFC 2-2-25
In a world of quick likes, endless scrolling, and shallow connections, true friendship is becoming increasingly rare. But real friendship—the kind that changes lives—is costly. It requires sacrifice, vulnerability, and deep commitment.
📖 In 1 Samuel 18, Jonathan gives up his royal robe and armor for David—a powerful act of selfless love. But this story points to something even greater…
✨ Jesus, the true Son of the King, gave up far more than a robe—He gave up heaven’s glory to make us His friends (Philippians 2:5-8).
💡 What does this mean for you?
How can you be a Jonathan to someone in your life?
What does it look like to love with a sacrificial friendship?
And most importantly—how does Jesus’ ultimate friendship transform the way we love others?
🔗 Stick around to discover how true friendship is marked by sacrifice—first in Christ, then in how we love others.